headshot of candidate

Dan Lenke



More about Dan Lenke

Dan Lenke has lived in Cambridge since 1968.

He is a first-time candidate for office and semi-retired. Before retiring, he owned and operated a moving company.

77 years
Born in New York in 1947
Reg. May 24, 1979
History No record

Where Dan Lives

Owns at 148 Richdale Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140
Valued at approx. $640,000
Last sold April 30, 2017 for $100

Dan on Housing

Dan on Other Issues

Endorsements for Dan


Interviews with Dan


Panels Dan participated in

Quotes by or about Dan

can see all that’s valuable in life is people. And that means nothing if we don’t respect people. And that’s the job of the City Council: to work with each other, because we’re different, and to work with all the resources of the city, of which there are multiple, and to work with universities, and to learn from other cities.


Articles about or by Dan

The Harvard Crimson Dan Lenke (Profile)

I feel that the Council’s objective must be to make Cambridge for Cantabrigians.


That’s a term that’s miscast and misconstrued: affordable. Let’s break down affordable. Affordable to whom? To the working people? People who do not have a college education are being squeezed out of Cambridge almost as quickly as can be counted. The people who lived here for generations are gone and are leaving. They can’t afford it. We have no plan in Cambridge to actually bring about affordable housing. We have plans that intend toward that, such as 20 percent affordable housing in new buildings. But the rents called affordable are not, to the working people. And they may not be distributed as we wish them to be. There are hundreds, if not thousands, who are waiting for housing, who will never get it in Cambridge. Places that are just blocks of housing, they’re not pleasant to live in. In Cambridge right now, we have a number of housing projects, like Roosevelt Towers. It’s not pleasant to live in. It’s affordable, in fact, it’s subsidized, but it’s not a happy place to live. So what we’re offering is not what we say we’re offering. We’re losing our diversity in Cambridge. When we have different people, it’s better.

Nov. 1, 2017 — Nina Pasquini
The Harvard Crimson Dan Lenke (Profile)

I feel that the Council’s objective must be to make Cambridge for Cantabrigians.


That’s a term that’s miscast and misconstrued: affordable. Let’s break down affordable. Affordable to whom? To the working people? People who do not have a college education are being squeezed out of Cambridge almost as quickly as can be counted. The people who lived here for generations are gone and are leaving. They can’t afford it. We have no plan in Cambridge to actually bring about affordable housing. We have plans that intend toward that, such as 20 percent affordable housing in new buildings. But the rents called affordable are not, to the working people. And they may not be distributed as we wish them to be. There are hundreds, if not thousands, who are waiting for housing, who will never get it in Cambridge. Places that are just blocks of housing, they’re not pleasant to live in. In Cambridge right now, we have a number of housing projects, like Roosevelt Towers. It’s not pleasant to live in. It’s affordable, in fact, it’s subsidized, but it’s not a happy place to live. So what we’re offering is not what we say we’re offering. We’re losing our diversity in Cambridge. When we have different people, it’s better.

Nov. 1, 2017 — Nina Pasquini

Campaign finance

How much Dan has raised and spent

Current balance
Balance at the start of 2023
Raised in 2023
Spent in 2023